We Didn't Start the Dark Side

We Didn’t Start the Dark Side:
A Poem for Star Wars Fans
By Brett A. Starr on August 14, 2022
Headnote: This poem is to be read, or sung, to the tune of “We didn’t start the fire” by Billy Joel. It is written with that rhythm in mind.
We didn’t start the dark side
It’s from another place and buried deep in space
We didn’t start the dark side
It’s from another source, that’s why we use the Force
A long, long time ago
A galaxy that we don’t know
Spaceship phaser guns
Star Destroyer, little runt
Captured ship, blast door
Storm troopers, gun war
Darth Vader, heavy breath
Firm grip, choke death
Princess Leia, secret tape
R2D2, pod escape
Owen Lars, wife Beru
Moisture farmer, Luke, too
Jawa tank, droid sale
Restraining bolt, big fail
Land speeder, three-pee-oh
Look out for the sand people
Obi-wan rescue
Secret message for you
Alderaan work to do
Choose to bring Luke, too
Mos Eisley bar cantina
Confrontation, Tattooine
Droids you’re not looking for
Move along the next door
Han Solo has a way
Chewbacca, first-mate
Guido wants a bounty paid
Han’s blaster no way
Hanger number ninety-four
Come on out the back door
Falcon Millennium
Take off and blast ‘em
Chess match, R2 in
Please let the wookie win
Alderann, blown apart
Fire power, Death Star
Oh my, that’s no moon
Turn around real soon
Too late, tractor beam
Hide below, quiet scene
Princess Leia, rescue
Skywalker, Solo too
Chewbacca walking tall
Three-pee-oh does protocol
Trash compactor, big squeeze
R2D2 -- help, please
Leia Solo conflict
Scruffy-looking convict
Com port, shut down
Time to get out-ta town
Science fiction Tarzan
Kiss for luck, good plan
Darth Vader, Obi-wan
Light saber action
Light speed get-away
Homing beacon, bad day
Yavin-4, rebel base
Send the fleet just in case
X-fighter - Red Wing
Y-fighter - Gold Wing
Tie fighter, space war
Try to end the Death Star
Exhaust port, weak spot
Use the force - great shot
Big blast, all gone
Looks like we won
Darth Vader gets away
Fight him another day
Princess Leia, royalty
Big reward for loyalty
Star Wars, opera soap
Conclusion of A New Hope
Darth Vader back again
Planet Hoth, station
Ice cold, probe droid
Chewbacca destroyed
Here comes the Empire
Caught in the cross-fire
Elephant machination
Lucas imagination
Cloud City, old friend
Lando Calrissian
Yoda, good guy.
Do; or do not; there’s no try
Falcon Millennium
Hyper drive is broke’ again
Han Solo, Carbonite
Boba Fett, bad night
Fear, anger, jealousy
Hate, destruction, suffering
Luke leaves too soon
X-wing has no bathroom
Oh no, Luke is bothered
Darth Vader – his Father
No, that’s impossible
Lose hand free fall
Leia-Luke connection
Let’s go back and get him
This is where Lucas ends
The Empire Strikes Again
Back at Tatooine
Jabba’s Palace not clean
Detonator, trip door
Look-out Luke, Rancor
Big rock, Spike door
Rancor is no more
Skywalker saves the day
Jabba’s barge is blown away
Time to separate
Dagobah is Luke’s way
Rebel fleet, a new place
Admiral has a fish face
Death Star construction
Our plan, destruction
Forest moon of Endor
Force-field, back door
Shuttle stolen pipe dream
Solo Leia Luke team
Lando Calrissian
Falcon Millennium
Rebel fleet awaiting
Emperor is baiting
Luke thinks that his dad
Has some good, but mostly bad
Darth Vader mind games
Luke tries not to cave
Meanwhile, Endor
Shield generator
Take it down, forest place
Fast speeder bike chase
Leia meets an Ewok
Wicket has cute talk
Three-pee-oh weighty
Some type of deity
Members of Ewok clan
Time to form a new plan
Forest fight guards yield
Take down the force shield
Akbar gives the green light
Rebel fleet in full might
Luke’s saber color green
What the heck does that mean?
Vader has been here before
Height advantage home court
Take Luke to emperor
Find out what’s in store
Rebel fleet arrival
Death Star operational
Uh oh, turn around
Star Destroyer background
It’s a trap. What to do.
Come on Lando. Time for you.
Fly on in once more
Unprotected corridor
Wedge Antilles shoots far
Main reactor Death Star
Lightning from the emperor
Luke needs his father
Skywalker Anakin
There is still good in him
Emperor is falling
Shuttle is calling
Hurry up and get away
Or, we will die today
Everybody gets out
End of the big bout
Death Star number 2
Big explosion redo
Dagoba, Tatooine,
Coruscant and Dantooine
Cloud City Endor
Big party up roar
Heroes journey plays again
Lucas makes a big win
Merchandising makes more
Money for a big score
Sell it to Disney
Make three more movies
Loyal fans had a fit
Should have stuck a fork in it
Just one more thing to do
May the Force be with you
Okay, enough said
Time to go to bed
Footnote: As you can see, I’m a big Star Wars fan. I have seen them so many times, I didn’t have to review them to write this poem. It entails only episodes 4-6, the original trilogy. IMHO, those were the best three. After completing episode 3, George Lucas sold the Star Wars franchise to Disney for $ 1.2 Billion. Not bad for creativity, hard work and persistence. I was not as impressed with the last three movies. They had some good spots, but not as strong of story as the original trilogy. Further, I would rate episode 3 higher if it were broken up into two movies as Anakin’s transition to Darth Vader was not as believable as it could have been. I suspect the movie time was the limiting factor. Great special effects!