Reviews for Random Acts of Poetry - Act 2: A Buffet of Poetry Just for You

Anastasia M. Trekles
5.0 out of 5 stars If you enjoy poetry, try this!
Reviewed in the United States on May 6, 2022
I liked this anthology as well as, if not better than, the first. Starr has a unique approach to poetry - for which I do not always have much of an appetite, honestly - that is refreshing and engaging. There are serious poems here, and some very moving ones at that, although the ones I enjoy the most tend to be the humorous, as well as those educational little “nuggets” wrapped up in a poetic story. For example, my favorite one in this series might be “A Natural Force,” which is an interesting commentary on our times with a very thought-provoking message. Another favorite, though, is “The Sky Inside My Mind,” which paints a really unique picture of what the author is feeling. All in all, a great read - highly recommended to all poetry-lovers out there.

Nancy Stodgel
4.0 out of 5 stars A new anthology from Brett Starr
Reviewed in the United States on March 3, 2022
I was privileged to read Brett Starr’s: “Random Acts of Poetry - Act 2: A Buffet of Poetry Just for You”. His first book was a variety of subjects and he continues this trend in the second book. The majority of poems written in 2021, but there are a few that are older.
I found this a much easier read than his first book of poetry. The change in formatting helped make this collection easier to read. Also, he did not go into complex mathematical equations like he did in the first book. All of the poems flowed very nicely and the chapter of haikus at the end was a pleasant surprise.
I did find some of his poems a little unsettling, especially the ones about the current state of the world (COVID and quarantine). That is more of a personal conflict for me. The rest of the poems were good and pleasant to read. “Alexander’s Abacus” sticks in my mind for the alliteration he uses. The many forms of poems used also helps to keep the reader surprised and interested.
Reviews for Random Acts of Poetry - Best Read with Coffee or Tea

5.0 out of 5 stars A Timeless Collection of Thoughtful Poetry
Reviewed in the United States on January 27, 2021
Brett Starr's Random Acts of Poetry is a lovely compilation of poetry across nine subject areas, including philosophy, humor, science and math, religion, politics, family, death, temptation, and mental illness. The topics and poems in each are timely, but also timeless in how they speak to readers. Most of the poetry is written in free verse. Starr's poems range from short to mid-length. I like that they are not really lengthy poems because they can easily be read multiple times, and reflected upon by readers. My favorite poem from the book is "A Silent Prayer." It is poignant and beautiful and it really spoke to my heart. "Dinner Prayer" is an enjoyable poem with a bit of a comic spin on the traditional pre-dinner prayer shared by many families at each meal. "My Melancholy Mood" is another one that I very much enjoyed, and I feel that the subject matter is certainly shared by so many after 2020 has changed the world in so many ways. Along that note, "It's a Two-Bag Life," which is a reflection on a life of travel and includes the line, "traveling is not what its cracked up to be" is also very timely. I wonder if Starr feels the same about travel now? Finally, I found it really cool to read the author's insightful comments on the inspiration behind each poem because it shows that inspiration and creativity can truly come from anywhere and at any time. Overall, this is a wonderful book, packed with thoughtful and beautiful poetry.
Thank you kindly to Brett for sharing his talents through poetry. I hope you'll enjoy this book as much as I did. I also hope Brett publishes more poems in the future.

Phillip Stephens
5.0 out of 5 stars Applying Einstein's Random Walk Theory to life through poetry
Reviewed in the United States on January 30, 2021
I find Mr. Starr's first publication to be inspiring on a personal level. I've maintained a personal endeavor to pursue intellectual curiosity and creativity throughout my life and vehemently encourage others to do so as well. Random Acts of Poetry: Best Read with Coffee or Tea encompasses such a diversity in topics and references that it reminds us to make our best efforts to be "Well Rounded, Productive Members of Society" and find the elegance of life in all its facets.

Anne rated it 4 out of 5 stars.
Reviewed on on February 23, 2021.
Brett Starr's book of poetry Random Acts of Poetry is a masterful blend of topics rich in contemplation and insight. His work consists of a pleasant mix of traditional rhyme as well as contemporary free-form style. Although many of his poems offer soulful perceptions, Brett has also cleverly integrated whimsy into some of his subjects – who would have thought Math and Geometry could inspire such poetic humor? This book definitely has something for everyone

MattS rated it 5 out of 5 stars
I believe poetry is meant to be heard, not just read. Brett's insights into the world through family, humor, religion, politics, and even mathematics are cleverly written using different patterns and form. He even tackles a sonnet.
Plan to read some aloud to my friends!

5.0 out of 5 stars A beautifully quick and thoughtful read
Reviewed in the United States on June 26, 2021
The topics of the poems in this book span many modern topics and explore ways of thinking about the world around us - from birth to religion to death, from humor to science to mental illness, Mr. Starr covers a lot of ground. What made this collection interesting to me was the cleverness with which he approached even subjects like mathematics, which certainly has a beauty all its own that the author brings to light. However, the anecdotes and humorous types of poems are the ones that tend to get me the most, and my favorites were “The Gnome” and “A Poem of Idioms.” Highly recommended to anyone who enjoys poetry about modern, relatable subjects in a creative and often very meaningful way.

5.0 out of 5 stars Lifetime of experience, set to words
Reviewed in the United States on July 3, 2021
Initially, I did not know what to expect, but as I read further, the poems were clear, raw, and honest expressions of varied trials and tribulations. His transparency and honesty make the poems vibrant and create a rhythm that is easy to feel. An eye-opening timeline, of sorts, into the author's mind and a personal lool at some of life's challenges for the author. Diverse, unique, and challenging at times. (I was given a copy by the author for my honest review, the opinions are my own).