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A Buffet of Poetry Just for You

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If you enjoyed my first book of poetry, you'll love my second anthology. This book contains 54 poems covering a variety of topics such as dreams, family, humor, mental illness, philosophy, music, love-romance, nature, politics, trivia and a special section on haiku. There are two sonnets, but mostly my poems are free verse with end-rhyme - most of the time. I switch things up with meter as I write in iambic triameter, tetrameter and pentameter and occasionally I mix in some spondee moments. There are some surprises and mysteries that I think you will find entertaining. For instance, the poem titled "The Magic Scepter" is a dreamy fantasy where the world is turned upside down. Another poem, "The Circle of Fifths Sonnet" describes the musical composer's secret weapon to natural harmony. For an educational poem, "Alexander's Abacus" pertains to history surrounding a mathematical device still used in a number of countries today. A trivial poem you may enjoy is "An Average Joe." The content is a bit of a surprise, but in it, you will learn about a little U.S. Naval history. Lastly, the poem "Mr. Not Unright" presents a rather witty rhyming perspective of one who speaks in double negatives.All-in-all, my poems reflect the random nature of thoughts that enter my head. Often times, I can jot them down and they appear in a matter of minutes. Other times, it takes a little longer. So, if you are tired of reading those long novels, take a break and try this book for a nice treat as you enjoy a light snack and a cup of your favorite beverage. It is truly a buffet of poetry that I wrote just for you.

RAP2 Poem Titles

A Boy Named Bryan

A Breakfast Buffet

A Classical Day

A Halloween Fable

A Lonely Soul

A Man of Many Hats

A Natural Force

A Needy Lamp

A Poem for the KISS Army

A Secret Buried

A Timely Proverb

A Trip from the Past

Alexander's Abacus

All About that Bacon

An Average Joe

Briefly Dead

Divisions of Time

Drops on my Window

Drums and Brass



If I Could

Left-Handed Metric Crescent Wrench

Let's Play Ball

Love is a Back Rub

Lyin' Eyes

Mr. Not Unright

My Crimson Friend

My Delusion at Lake Elsinore

My Front Porch

My Mother Forever

Mystic Harmony

Our Wonderful Winter-Full Weather

Potluck Dinner


The Arms of Starr

The Cemetery on Tyner Hill

The Circle of Fifths Sonnet

The Covid Controversy

The Current News Blues

The Magic Scepter

The Morning Sunrise

The One, The None and The All

The Sharing of Joy

The Sky Inside my Mind

The Village Vernacular

Therefore I Am

To Breathe

To Tweet, or not to Tweet

Tulip Trees

Up in Smoke

Well Grounded

When My Time is Up

Win Win​​​​​



by Brett A. Starr on March 27, 2021

Spirals! Spirals! Everywhere!
Over here and over there
In the garden, in the air
Did you ever stop and stare?


Flowers, pine cones, it all seems
Patterns come through natural means
Numerical puzzles to make us think
Just pull the light chain.  Hear it clink?


Ocean waves and hurricanes
We label them with proper names
Here’s a microcosmic hint
Just look upon your fingerprint.


Spirals! Spirals! Everywhere!
Over here and over there.
Did you know it? Do you care?
This is what I came to share.



Footnote: poetry contest topic ‘patterns.’ Spirals are everywhere in our world. This key to unlocking nature’s sacred geometry is proof that there is a creator. This pattern is repeated all over nature.

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