Drums and Brass
by Brett A. Starr on September 20, 2021

It appears to my ears of the sounds down the street.
Of the beating of the drums, and the marching feet.
I hear the flutes, the saxophones and the clarinets.
I hear the bells, I see the flags and the banners, yet --
I see the shiny gold reflections that come quite clear.
The medieval sounding trumpets really pierce my ears.
The sliding and providing of the trombones' pitch.
And the tubas in the background make the sound so rich.
Oh, play on! Play on, you marching bands!
At halftime shows across the land.
The creation of formations on the fields of grass.
Oh, the sounds I hear the most are the drums and brass.
The percussion with their cadence entertains the crowd.
The melody and harmony of the brass are loud.
The woodwinds and the cymbals make the sound complete.
Together all in sequence with the marching feet.
Oh, play on! Play on, you marching bands.
John Philip Sousa's anthems are so grand.
The band I hear into my ears –- a sound surpassed
By the beating and the playing of the drums and brass.
Footnote: I'm so glad that my Jr. and Sr. High School band director, Mr. Benefiel, convinced me to stay in band throughout high school. I was going to focus more on sports, but I was blessed to be able to be in both. I have an appreciation of what it takes to play and march in the band (as well as play in the symphony). Additionally, the annual Variety Show was a lot of work, but it was a very rewarding accomplishment. When I attend a parade as a spectator, my favorite parts are the marching bands. Band is a team sport, musically.