The History behind the Mystery
eBook $0.99 Paperback (see amazon.com)
My third book has 58 poems: There are several haiku, several free verse, 3 sonnets, 2 diamantes, 1 limerick, and 1 pantoum. Trivia and haiku have their own sections. In addition to those, seven other subjects include religion, family, mental illness, politics, nature, movies, and assortment.
Some poem titles include the following:
We Didn't Start the Dark Side
The Boy Who Lived
Capture the King
I Scream for Ice Cream
The Mighty Obelisk
The Dog Days of Summer
Summer Solstice Sonnet
Remembering Jerry
Letting the Cat out of the Bag
Sonnet of the Fruit of the Spirit
Prayin' Myself to Sleep
Tiki Torches
The Score
The Birds and the Bees
Odysseus Return
Rotten in Denmark
April Fools
To Sweat Like a Pig
Japanese Crackers
Doing Things Once
A Welcome Change
Dissected Maps

Prayin' Myself to Sleep
By Brett A. Starr on June 17, 2022
Oh Lord, it seems these days are bad
Recent events just make me sad
I get caught up in daily grind
I need to pause and ease my mind
Each night, I thank You for my health
And for the ways I measure wealth.
I’m rich in friends and family -
Their happiness brings joy to me
Help those with health that’s challenging
Please ease their pain and suffering
Remind us of your caring ways
To live our lives these troubling days
Our country just seems upside down.
We need to stop and turn around.
Help us to value proper things
Remind us what Your true love brings
I pray each night upon my bed
About these thoughts within my head
I know I ask a lot of You
Many requests, You know it's true
These times, I'd say the list I keep
I often pray myself to sleep
An open prayer without Amen
Tomorrow night I'll pray again -
Footnote: This prayer struck me after many nights praying for several concerns, for family, friends and for our country. It’s true, I watch too much news, but it sure seems like we are heading the wrong way. As the days go by, my prayers get longer and longer. When I pray, I notice that often, I nod off before I’m done. Has that ever happened to you?

By Brett A. Starr on July 18, 2022
Hot, sunny
Playing, swimming, picnicking
Tornado, thunder, windy, blizzard
Snowing, shoveling, sledding
Cold, dark
Mild, green
Raining, growing, cleaning
Blossoms, vernal, autumnal equinoxes
Harvesting, storing, feasting
Colorful, comforting
Footnote: This is a double diamante poem. A diamante Poem is a non-rhyming structure of 7 lines. Line 1 has one word. Line 2 has 2 adjectives describing line 1. Line 3 is three words ending in “-ing” describing line 1. Line 4 has four nouns; if line 7 is opposing line 1, then 2 nouns describe line 1 and 2 nouns describe line 7. Line 5 is three “-ing” words describing line 7. Line 6 is 2 adjectives describing line 7. Line 7 is one word, can be opposing line 1.

Remembering Jerry
By Brett A. Starr on June 13, 2022
We miss you, Jerry. We really do.
These are some traits we loved about you:
Thoughtful, kind, humble and generous,
A friendly smile and always courteous,
An animal lover and gardener, as well,
When negativity came, you didn’t dwell,
A people-person always welcoming,
You were a good listener, always caring,
A Chicago Fan – you had many garments
The Bears and the Bulls – kind of like the stock market
Food was important with your Chicago families
Polish Sausage and, of course, pierogis
Beer and scotch ales of many sources
Why did you want to go feed the horses?
Many days you liked to work out
To burn a few carbs without a doubt
Your kindness was seen at the hospital pharmacy
It provided you a living to raise your family
These memories all bring us happy tears
You will be remembered, Jerry, for many years.
We are comforted to know you are resting peacefully
Some day we will meet again, in eternity.
- Do Widzenia

To Sweat Like a Pig
By Brett A. Starr on March 31, 2022
To “sweat like a pig,” we know what that means
But, where did it come from? ‘Tis unknown, it seems
The animal reference is partially true
As the images look to me and you
But the contents differ in substance and matter
A great difference not served on a platter
Instead, it’s poured in molds of sand
This fiery molten iron must cool until it stands
A smelting house with a mold in a long row
With shoots at right-angled-branches as it glows
The branches resemble piglets feeding on a sow
Some farmer must have spoken to a smelter somehow
To sweat like a pig, is much hotter than I thought
As I did this research, I learned a lot
This cooling of pig-iron -- I never knew
When the pigs are sweating, they are cool enough to move
Footnote: Matt Waszkowski asked me to write a poem about where "sweating like a pig" came from, because we know pigs can't sweat. They roll in mud to cool off. So Matt, here it is.

By Brett Starr on November 14, 2021
In Michigan, just east of Saginaw,
There’s a Bavarian town – a vacation draw
Named Frankenmuth, and it’s well known
Each day is Christmas – as stores have shown.
You can hear the bells for miles, each hour
From the Bavarian Inn Glockenspiel Tower.
A magnificent 35-bell carillon
Plays German hymns as well as American.
Old-fashioned hand-carved figurines
Display the pied piper’s legendary scenes.
The restaurants serve you family style
With comfort food that makes you smile.
So, if you’re bored or feeling low
There’s a happy place that you can go
It’s in the thumb of Michigan
With plenty of fun for everyone.