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Autumn Moon
By Brett A. Starr on 
September 13, 2024

The evening sunset swiftly settles down.

A darkness sets upon a placid lake.

A chilling fog begins to hover ground.

The sounds of croaking frogs of many make.


The Autumn moon shines brightly in the sky.

I walk along the lake a pathway wraps.

I crunch the rustling leaves as I stroll by.

The tiny tree stems crackle, pop and snap.


I come upon a fallen maple tree.

My aching back is asking for a rest.

I slowly sit - rejoicing happily.

The trunk does not complain about his guest.


I rise to leave this place. I shall not stay.

The Autumn moon illuminates my way.



Footnote: I was listening to the Led Zeppelin song "Ramble On," and I came across the line "...the Autumn moon lights my way." I thought that it would be cool to write a poem about that. Even better, why not make it a sonnet...seemed like the thing to do. Also, I put more writing aspects of personification, alliteration, and onomatopoeia in it for better visualization. The late Norm Wagner often made suggestions to include these writing styles. So, a Shakespearean sonnet sprung out me inspired by a line of a Led Zeppelin song. Bonus information: did you know that this same song makes a couple of references to The Lord of the Rings? Now, you have to listen to that song.

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